Women of the DeKoven Center

Community of St. Mary, Western Province


Continuing Our Legacy: Celebrating Women’s History

Celebrate Women's History Month in Kenosha & Racine Counties! Explore exhibits highlighting remarkable women at local museums and historical societies throughout March. Play the Kenosha Public Museum's Women's History Board Game (download, collect stamps, return to Kenosha Public Museum by April 6th for a prize!).

An outdoor monument board exhibit at the DeKoven Center now honors the nuns of the Community of St. Mary, Western Province. Founded in 1865, this pioneering Episcopal women's monastic community, the first in the United States, dedicated itself to uplifting women and girls through education and healthcare. Their work began at the House of Mercy in New York City and expanded across the country. Invited by Rev. James DeKoven, sisters arrived in Wisconsin in 1878 to serve at Kemper Hall in Kenosha. The sisters also founded the well-known St. Mary's Home orphanage in Chicago (1887) and, in 1934, established a beloved summer camp for girls on the Racine College grounds a tradition that thrived for nearly 50 years at what is now the DeKoven Center.

To access the exhibit, enter the DeKoven Center property from Wisconsin Avenue and follow the driveway to the rear of the property. The monument board is located on the walking path between the Retreat & Conference Center and Bishop's Garden. Parking is available at the Retreat & Conference Center. Visitors are welcome to explore the scenic grounds.

Unidentified sister looking out at St. John’s Chapel, Date Unknown

Girls playing at St. Mary’s Camp, 1955