The DeKoven Center makes a beautiful and unique backdrop for capturing precious memories through photography.  From senior photos to engagements, and maternity photos to fun-filled family photo sessions, the grounds are a perfect place to capture these beautiful moments in time.

It is a common misconception we are a public park or publicly funded. The DeKoven Center is a private organization, funded by individuals and groups who use our facilities and donations. A photography permit is REQUIRED to take photos on the grounds, both recreationally and professionally. A permit is included for those who book weddings with the DeKoven Center.

Permits are available at $50 an hour, and must be obtained before coming onto the grounds. Due to other events on our campus, available days and times may be limited.  All photography sessions must be scheduled in advance. We would love to work with you on your photography projects!

Those who fail to obtain proper permission will be reported for trespassing.

Photography Policies

  • Most exterior stairs and fire escapes lead to private residences on campus. Out of respect for our tenants, photography is NOT allowed in these areas. (Exceptions include St. John’s Chapel, the Gymnasium, and the doors leading immediately to the Great Hall/Assembly Hall entrances.)

  • NO smoke bombs, spray paint, chalk, confetti, or other graffiti.

  • NO photography of the graves of Father Park and Father DeKoven, who are buried on campus.

  • Roadways must be kept clear.

  • Do NOT pick flowers or otherwise interfere with any plants/landscaping.

  • The Zen Garden on the west side of the Great Hall is privately maintained. Please do not enter this particular garden to take photos.

  • Wedding Photography is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, except for photographers with weddings booked with the DeKoven Center.

  • If you share your images on social media, please tag us! You can find us on Instagram as @The_DeKoven_Center, on Facebook as @The Retreat & Conference Center at DeKoven and @The DeKoven Center Weddings.

To obtain a permit for your next photography project, contact the Events Manager at (262) 633-6401 x108 or use the contact form below.